The historical role of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to move the capital of an independent state
16.08.2013 1720

In the young history of independent Kazakhstan capital Astana and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev inextricably linked. This is evident both for Kazakhstan and for the political and business circles, the general public, scientific and cultural world and abroad. Today, we can confidently say, no one can deny the fact of creation of the new capital of the country by the President N.Nazarbayev. His role in the development of the city as the capital of the young state overestimated.

Successes of Kazakhstan in the socio-economic development and in the international arena, its recognition by the international community as a state leader in Central Asia are largely due to the dynamic development of the nation’s capital. Summing up an ambitious project to establish the capital, the President, in his book «Kazakhstan’s way» writes: «The transfer of the capital of Kazakhstan Tselinograd, which is now the Astana became a watershed of a new era of statehood of Kazakhstan. Astana after became the capital, opened the third epoch in its history».

The enormous importance and role of Astana in the history of independent Kazakhstan becoming constantly says the President. The concept of the development of the capital received in the writings of President Nursultan Nazarbayev «In the Heart of Eurasia» and «Kazakhstan’s way." They show the experience of Kazakhstan to migrate the state capital at a critical historical juncture and investigated the phenomenon of Astana. In a unique way content works NA Nazarbayev outlined profound philosophy of building a new capital in the conditions of an independent state, justified the role of capital in the country and the people.
The President always says about the enormous importance and role of Astana in the history of independent Kazakhstan. The concept of the development of the capital was received in the writings of President Nursultan Nazarbayev «In the Heart of Eurasia» and «Kazakhstan’s way." They show the experience of Kazakhstan to migrate the state capital at a critical historical juncture and investigated the phenomenon of Astana. In a unique way content works N.Nazarbayev outlined profound philosophy of building a new capital in the conditions of an independent state, justified the role of capital in the country and the people.

Thinking about cities, Nazarbayev defines the city as a specific living, concrete historical education: «… the city, as people are complex» living «organisms." Urban development, their lives are determined by the specific historical situation. Cities, like people, have their own destiny, the biography of a special nature and omens. Capital as the main city and administrative center, belongs to the entire state and every citizen should therefore have a special extraterritorial status.

In the context of conceptual approaches to the problem of moving the capital, the state capital relocation from one city to another as an extraordinary event in the framework of the concept of one person, as well as moving a person to a new location. But across the state transfer of the capital stands although not quite ordinary and not too extraordinary event because it has a fairly common practice, and always, as a rule, motivated and justified.

Reasons for the transfer of the main city of the country there are a variety of reasons. As in the biography of the man, in the state’s history are turbulent periods when radically changing ideas about the geopolitical role of the state in the existing world. And then especially acute question about the location of the capital, as a necessary and crucial to the further development of a stable state. «The realities of the present and a number of geostrategic factors forced us to take a new approach to the process of forming our own geopolitical space." Important role in the decision to postpone the country’s main city play interests of the people, as evidenced by historical experience.

«Generally speaking, the process of transfer of the capital — this whole saga that deserves special attention and a detailed exposition» — President writes. He compares this process to the process of the search for scientific truth, and the relation to the transfer of the capital with the attitude to scientific discoveries, showing common algorithm of these processes, the logic of action discoverers.

Analyzing the various circumstances and reasons for the delay capitals, the author turns to the world at the same historical experience and shows the diversity of this process. According to the President, the importance role for the country and its people gives the transfer of the capitalin the difficult period of the state sovereignty. It becomes an important factor in the approval of the country’s independence, strengthening its public foundations.

In an interview with the newspaper «Kazakhstan Today» President of the Russian Federation v. Putin emphasized: «For Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev — historically unique figure… it is not just the First President of Kazakhstan. He is the creator of the Kazakh, Kazakhstan’s statehood. In this sense, he has a unique historical role. «Certainly, the proposed N. Nazarbayev’s idea and realization of the project to transfer the capital of Kazakhstan played a crucial role in the development of state of the Kazakh people.


1. N. Nazarbayev, In the heart of Eurasia, Astana: Atamura, 2005.
2. N. Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan’s way, Karaganda, 2006.
3. G. Alpysbayev, Astana in modern and contemporary times, Astana, 2008.
4. City of our love// Express K, 2013, № 146 (17746)

Material provided by the Institute of History of State