History in 5 minutes
02.02.2017 1487
First diplomatic landing forces
27.01.2017 1637
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
11.01.2017 1648
10 facts about Ilyas Yesenberlin
08.01.2017 1575
“Black” Monday
27.12.2016 1493
Right for good memory
09.12.2016 1947
Trick that was put forth by Kazakhs at Anrakay battle
06.12.2016 1153
Cadre policy of Gulag
06.12.2016 1370
Tomorrow was coup
03.12.2016 1415
Nursultan Nazarbayev and Kazakhstan model of world and accord
02.12.2016 1526
He arranged a wedding of Elbasy
24.11.2016 1354
Millenary culture and philosophy of nomads
23.11.2016 1180
Values which stood the test of time
15.11.2016 1493
Introduction of national currency
10.11.2016 1189
Why did Kazakhs kill Kondyurin?
09.11.2016 1296
History of the struggle with corruption has deep roots