If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

March 9 was born Gabit Musirepov (1902-1985) - a writer, specialist in literature, statesman and public figure

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In 1675 Aktamberdy Saryuly - a poet and storyteller, zhyrau, batyr and social activist was born

In 1675 Aktamberdy Saryuly - a poet and storyteller, zhyrau, batyr and social activist was born - e-history.kz
Since the age of 17 he participated in battles with the Central Asian khanates, Kalmyks. In these battles he showed heroism and commanding abilities. After receiving baptism and becoming a real Batyr Aktamberdy zhyrau witnessed the events that went down in history as the "Years of great tribulation". Aktamberdy zhyrau is one of the initiators and organizers of the national liberation struggle against Dzhungar invaders. After the defeat of Dzhungar state and liberation of eastern regions of Kazakhstan from the enemy Aktamberdy zhyrau took an active part in organizing the return and position of the Kazakh population on their ancestral lands, on the land of their fathers and ancestors. He tried to train to settlement Kazakh tribes that were under his protection. Aktamberdy zhyrau organized lining of irrigation ditches, building dams and other irrigation facilities construction. Works of Aktamberdy zhyrau appear before us mainly in the form of aphoristic and edifying reflections. They reflect thoughts and dreams, goals and interests of the nomadic Kazakh people. The main pathos in singing legends of Aktamberdy zhyrau is the call to heroism, a blessing on the fearless and uncompromising battle with any enemy. He dreamed about liberation of the Kazakh steppes, remaining under the authority of Dzhungars, about rise of the Kazakh people, and infliction of full and final defeat to Dzhungarian conquerors. In many of his songs zhyrau encourages the broad masses of the Kazakh population on decisive and uncompromising struggle against the enemy. Born in regular battles, fights and hot struggle of Aktamberdy zhyrau reflect full militancy realistic picture of life of the Kazakhs in the XVIII century. His songs "Kymbіr-kymbіr kіsіnetіp", "Ua, kart Bogenbay", "Zhauga shaptym tu baylap", "Zamanim menin tar boldy" are imbued with sense of patriotism. In the surviving improvisations of Aktamberdy there are many exhortations, good advice, metaphors. Songs of Aktamberdy are published in S. Mukanov’s book "Essays on the history of Kazakh literature of 18-19 centuries". The works are included in the collections "Ertedegі adebiet nuskalary", "Aldaspan", "Bes gasyr zhyrlaydy" and others.