If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

March 9 was born Gabit Musirepov (1902-1985) - a writer, specialist in literature, statesman and public figure

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March 7, 1994 is the Day when elections were held for the first Parliament of independent Kazakhstan.

March 7, 1994 is the Day when elections were held for the first Parliament of independent Kazakhstan. - e-history.kz
In March 7,1994, the elections were held for the first Parliament of independent Kazakhstan. 176 deputies were elected, where 42 of them from presidential list, 175 from public associations and 59 of them are independents. In April 1994, the new parliament has started its work. The feature of the second parliament was the formation of the parliamentary opposition.