March 11, 1801, according to the Decree of Paul I between the lowlands of Volga and Urals was formed Inner or Bukey Khanate, which existed during 1801-1876 period. The tsarist government has taken such a step in order to defuse the situation in the Junior Juz (horde), whose struggle against the colonial policy of Russia became more and more insistent. 5000 Kazakh households headed by Sultan Bukey, the son of Nuraly, moved to Bukey Horde. Rebellion with anti-colonial character occurred in the Junior and Middle Juzs, with the purpose of elimination of Khan's power, in the condition of deepening colonial politics. Land crisis, tax burden, arbitrariness of imperial officials, harassment of Khan Dzhangir and his relatives became the reasons of rebellion. In 1836 began an open rebellion, which was led by Isatay Taiman, the warrior and senior of Bersh tribe. His companion was Makhambet Utemisov, the warrior and poet from the same tribe. In 1838, the rebellion ended by the defeat of the rebels. Since 1876 Bukey Horde entered to Astrakhan province, with the subordination of the governor of Interim Council and provincial government.
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