Editorial board of e-history.kz has prepared a series of exclusive interviews with the scientific intelligentsia of the country on a new message to the citizens of Kazakhstan. The director of the Institute of History of State MES of Kazakhstan, Professor and Doctor of Historical Sciences Burkitbay Ayagan shared his opinion about it.
The address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev “Nurly zhol (‘Нұрлы жол’) — a way to the future” outlined the strategic road to the future to us. In the message, the President made the deep analysis of a situation in Kazakhstan and influence of the external factor on an economic component of the republic. In particular he emphasized that today the whole world faced new challenges and threats, the world economy did not recover from consequences of global financial and economic crisis. Many countries including Kazakhstan are faced with the task to increase the rates of economic growth. In such conditions the President drew attention to the fact that Kazakhstan has experience of overcoming the crisis. Example for this can be the Anti-crisis program in 2007-2009 which allowed overcoming the crisis phenomena due to implementation of such programs as “Road map”. As the result thanks to “Road map” Kazakhstan could overcome unemployment, increase growth points and give big help to shareholders. Realities are that today’s world financial and economic crisis is burdened by political problems. The conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, wars in the Middle East, an aggressive policy of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have serious impact on a geopolitical pattern of the world, influence stability and safety of many countries, including Kazakhstan and its financial system. This step will give development to the following directions: transport industry, energetic industry, industrial and social infrastructure. Development of both small and medium business was also mentioned in the message. For historians it is important that next year the President will celebrate 20th anniversary of creation of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 70th anniversary of the victory over fascist Germany and 550th anniversary of formation of the Kazakh khanate will be celebrated. There are a lot of works to do for historians concerning these anniversaries. We need to take an active participation in creation (documental) movies and books on history of Kazakhstan, in the development of new research, in writing of new textbooks and preparation of standard programs for students of higher education institutions. At the same time these objectives required from guild of historians and humanists the involvement of outstanding foreign scientists for implementation of joint scientific projects which will be able to fill history of Kazakhstan with the new facts and examples. |