If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Cultural and civilization processes in modern Kazakhstan: philosophical and political analysis

The way of each country going on the way of democracy and developing market economy, is in many respects predetermined by historically created features of its culture.

Uncertainty of tendencies of social changes, equiprobability of realization of alternative models of social development with a special force and evidence are shown during the periods of the sweeping and prompt changes, involved in which there was also our country. Rough rates of scientific and technological progress, formation of planetary communicative and information and financial and economic networks, exit of political institutes, labor markets, standard and valuable systems of social interactions for a framework of the national states are reflected in life of the countries and the people, mention fundamental bases of social and personal life of people, considerably change shape of a civilization.

Deeply inconsistent processes of transformation of social reality include opposite directed, and on a number of positions – and mutually exclusive tendencies: globally interdependent and interconnected world at the same time is shaken on lines of geopolitical, religious and ethnic oppositions.

The changes happening on space of the former USSR in recent years, represent a serious civilization call for all Post-Soviet republics, including, and for Kazakhstan. Valuable reference points and development models become a competition subject between the countries, getting civilization measurement.

In conditions when under the flag of fight against new calls and threats creation attempts "the unipolar world" proceed, there is an imposing to other countries of the political systems and development models – when ignoring historical, cultural, religious and other features of development of other world, before the new states sharply there is a problem of determination of the cultural and civilization identity which isn't repeating modern globalistsky recipes. The situation becomes complicated that it occurs against fight against the international terrorism which demands extensive dialogue between cultures, faiths and civilizations, their counteractions to extremism in own environment.

Movement to a uniform civilization – a categorical imperative of the global world. But gradually and steadily understanding of comes that cultural and civilization values – not books which transfer from the shelf on the shelf, and fuel which has to burn down in a hearth of unique cultural and civilization complexes and to become energy of their organic dynamics (Y.Lotman). Real dilemma: mutation and leaving on a history country churchyard, or transformation – as creative development of world experience on a basis and in a context of domestic sociocultural values and traditions. At universal recognition of fundamental value of democracy and the market as bases of a social system and economic life, their realization accepts various forms – depending on history, national features and level of social and economic development of the states.

The group of scientists of Institute of philosophy and political science was guided by such methodological installations, starting research of the difficult and multidimensional cultural and civilization processes happening in modern Kazakhstan. The research project "Cultural and civilization processes in modern Kazakhstan: the philosophical and politological analysis" (2009-2011) is included into the program of basic researches "The Kazakhstan way of development in the global world: philosophical and world outlook and socio-political problems".

In the presented project the teoretiko-methodological and sociocultural bases of civilization development of Kazakhstan reveal, axiological aspects of globalization process – in a context of a ratio of "the" and "others" cultural values are analyzed, complex research of factors of the cultural dynamics defining civilization development of the country is conducted.

First of all, the categorial device of research demanded specification. Having analysed the concepts "civilization" and "culture" in the history of philosophy and in the modern social theory, researchers developed conceptual and methodological models and research strategy of the analysis of cultural and civilization development of Kazakhstan.

Conceptual models of cultural and civilization development of Kazakhstan have to be under construction, according to researchers, on the basis of the analysis of a polycentric network of social interactions and hierarchically organized system of their institutionalizing. As specifics of the sociocultural sphere of society consists that schemes of its judgment are the integrated part of the culture and the mechanism of its transformations, conceptual models of processes and structures of cultural and civilization development have to include themselves in subject domain of research.

Project managers:

A.G.Kosichenko, V.D.Kurganskaya

To read in more detail:

Cultural and civilization processes in modern Kazakhstan:  philosophical and political analysis of PDF 

The material is provided by Institute of philosophy, political science and religious studies of KN of MAUN of RK