If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Holiday that does not exist

Holiday that does not exist  - e-history.kz
The older generation remembers 7 November well. For Soviet people it was not just the holiday

This day symbolized the victory of Socialist regime, the power of Communist party, unity of Soviet people. This fest was the most ideologically eventful in its significance.

The history of the main holiday has its interesting history. What happened on 25 October 1917? Those who studied the history in the schools of independent Kazakhstan did not pay sufficient attention to this date. Although in the Soviet school, within the program of the USSR history, October revolution history was studied the whole half-term. What happened on 25 October 1917?

In the night from 25 to 26 October (on the new style from 7 to 8 November) 1917 in Petrograd happened the uprise of Bolsheviks. On the signal, which became the shot of cruiser “Avrora”, armed workers, soldiers and sailors occupied the Winter palace, overthrew the Temporary government and proclaimed the Power of Soviets.

Why did the confusion with dates occur? In 1918, according to the decree of the CIS to the calendar were added 13 days – right after 31 January came 14 February, that’s why the date 25 October was transferred to 13 days ahead (7 November). Thus, they started to count time on the Gregorian calendar.

7 November 1918 at the Red square in Moscow went the demonstration in honor of the first anniversary of October revolution.

26 October 1927 the Presidium CEC USSR decreed that the “Anniversary of October Revolution annually starting with 1927 is celebrated during two days – 7 and 8 November. The production of works these festive days is prohibited on the whole territory of the Union of SSR”. As a result of October revolution in Russia was overthrown the power of bourgeoisie and farmers, and set the dictatorship of proletariat, created the Soviet socialist state. Great October socialist revolution became the celebration of the Marxism-Leninism, opened the new era in the history of humanity – era of transition from capitalism to communism.

Thus, this day became main state holiday in the USSR. This day at the Red square in Moscow, also in oblast and regional centers of the USSR were carried the demonstrations of workers, military parades, rallies, street parties.

7 and 8 November were days-off. Especially brightly was celebrated the 50th anniversary of October socialist revolution. In the archive photos was presented the parade and festive rally held in 1967 in the city of Tselinograd.

Celebration of the 50th anniversary of October revolution. Tselinograd city, 7 November 1967

The last military parade at the Red square in Moscow in honor of the anniversary of October revolution was held in 1990.

Before the start of the fests the President of the USSR M.S.Gorbachev delivered the speech on the signing of the Union treaty. During the beginning of the demonstration the heads of the Communist party and Soviet state were conducted headed by walking columns.

Celebration of the 50th anniversary of October revolution. Tselinograd city, 7 November 1967

As a result of the events of August 1991 the CPSU lost its power and was prohibited, that’s why on 7 November 1991 the official events on the occasion of the anniversary of October were not carried anymore. After the collapse of the USSR the majority of its former republics which became independent states, refused from the celebration of the anniversary of October revolution. However, in several of them the day of 7 November still remains the day-off. For the supporters of socialism and Soviet power the holiday of 7 November was close and was perceived as one of the preserved regimes of the Soviet society.

In the Russian Federation this holiday suffered a number of changes. 7 November 1995 in the RF was proclaimed as the Day of military fame – in honor of the military parade in Moscow (1941).

Since 1996 this date started to be celebrated as the Day of accord and reconciliation.

The reconciliation of political powers and flows was implied. Since 2005 was established the new state celebration Day of people’s unity. Notwithstanding the fact that the Soviet state no longer exists and the celebration lost its ideological meaning, it is still popular at the post-Soviet area.

The celebration continues in some republics. Till now the Day of October revolution is celebrated in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Trans-Dniester.


Translated by Malika MURSALIM