If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War

 Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War - e-history.kz
The date June 22, 1941 went down in history and became a sad one, which marked the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

The exhibition «The names from battlefield» dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War is held at Military History Museum of national Military-Patriotic Center of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is the first exhibition of personal things that belonged to soldiers and officers who died in battle among CIS. The opening ceremony was held on June 22, 2016. 


 The uniqueness of the exhibition lies in the fact that all things exhibited there were found on the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, mostly in Leningrad. People who owned those things were died soldiers and officers, a search squad «Memorialnaya zona» (Memorial Zone) consisting of students of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian national University under the direction of team leader Kusainov Maidan Komekovich are engaged in search and name restoration of lost soldiers. 

 The search groups of CIS found more than 20 000 names of soldiers and commanders of the Great Patriotic War according to information of medallions found on the battlefield. The group «Memorial Zone» found 10 names from the field and 2607 names during the archival search. The names of some people were restored by the numbers of awards.


 Search of heroes’ names was matched with the search of their relatives and it was more difficult task. Only 10% from all names of soldiers were known to relatives. That is why the attention and help of the public is very important for group. 

 You can see unique photos from excavations, shell fragments, medallions of soldiers, Red Army books, certificates of wound, rifle cartridge, which soldiers wore as amulets against bullets. 


 A number of books containing information on the results of joint works of search groups of CIS were presented on the exhibition, most of them were written by Maidan Komekovich. 

 The list below contains names of soldiers and officers, whose identities were established in a result of search group. 


 1.Shadiyev Shatmadil, born in 1900, a soldier of Red Army, a native of Kaz SSR, South Kazakhstan, Sairam, Karabulak. 11 construction team. Found on the battlefield on 13 November, 2014 by search group «Magura». 

 2. Stanbekov (Stambekov) Merdysh (Merdesh), born in 1912, lieutenant of 5 guard, killed in Mitino, 7.03.43, buried there. Found in Smolenskaya Region, Temkinsky District, Pasynkovo, May 3, 2012, «Obelisk», Moscow. 

 3. Groshev Grigory Petrovich, 1916, called up by Kuryin RMC Altay Region. In 1952, a request of his mother from Kazakhstan was received to CADM: Alma-Ata, Slobodskaya Str, 66. Command officer of «Obelisk» in Moscow — Pollyakov Mikhail. 

 4. Aksenchenko Fedor Vakulovich, 1922. Born in Pavlodar Region, Kozelsky District. Called from Uzbekistan, his mother lived there: Uz.SSR, Fergana Region, Fergana, Pamirskaya Str., 9. Found by medallion in V.Novgorod. Search group «Poisk», Ivanovo.

 5. Onbayev Zhantarbek, 1906, a soldier of the Red Army, 11 OSBr, gone missing 26.09.1942. Born in South Kazakhstan, Frunze District, Savaisky village council. Found 12.06.2013. Search group «Vozvraschenie». 

 6. Tusubpayev Zivda, rifleman, born in 1908, Kazakhstan, Karkaralinsky District, Avralinsky village council, village № 5. Address of the family: ASSR, Ulan-Ude, new village, found in September, Voronovo, Kirov District, Leningrad Region, search group «Vologda Searchers Association». 

 7. Shepelev Sergey Fedorovich, a soldier of the Red Army, 1913. Address: West Kazakhstan Region, Zelenovsky District, Zelenoe village. Found on May 3, 2013 in Pskov Region by search group «St.George» from St.Petersburg. 

 8. List of permanent losses from the found box (fragments): 

 8.1. Gorelov Vladimir Ivanovich, born in 1920 from Semipalatinsk Region, Urd-Zhar District, N.Andreyevka. Died in 01.07.1941. Served in 24 MPD.

 8.2. Jumabayev Akhmet, a soldier of the Red Army. Address: Kaz.SSR, Maudersky District, Shaliksky village council. Date of death: 30.06.1941, Minsk Region.

 9. Bektursunov Jumabay, born in 1905, 1280 rifle regiment. Address: Pavlodar Region, Maksimov-Gorkov District, Kashirov village council, Sovetskaya Str. Found in the tract Sutoki, Starorussky District, Novgorod Region, «Front» search group. 

 10. Kushkumbayev Rakish. Born in KazSSR, Almaty Region, Kurday District. Wife: Chodiyeva Nilbala. Lived in Kirgiz SSR, Frunze Region, Kant District «Internatsionalny» village council, «Jabarshi» collective farm. 

 Photo by Malika MURSALIMOVA
