If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Renewed Fund of the Leader of the Nation Library

Renewed Fund of the Leader of the Nation Library - e-history.kz
On July 7, 2016 Fund of the Leader of Nation Library offers additional new materials to the existing ones.

People can see more than 250 unique archival documents, over 400 photos and 300 videos on 6 touch screens. Each of interactive tables has from 10 to 17 themes, there are necessary explanations and additional information for a more complete to cover a topic. Interactive tables are the devices with touchscreen function for self-use. 

 New films such as «Patriot of Kazakhstan», «In the heart of Eurasia», «Power of the word», «Initiative and partnership», «Energy of change», «Peace and harmony» were uploaded in the tables by July 6 — Capital Day. 


 Akbota Khamitova, Senior Expert of Science and Education Programs Sector of the Library 

-Films reveal President as a person, politician at a high level, initiator, leader and participant of many far-sighted and constructive changes on socio-political life of the country. They tell about the main stages of forming internal and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the role of Nursultan Nazarbayev as an outstanding politician of world importance. 

 Interactive lessons with the participation of student in the Library are held with the help of tables.


 Aziza Alimkhan, student of No.60 Lyceum, permanent participant of such classes 

-Today I have managed to complete all the tasks and answer the questions. Now I will share the knowledge with my classmates. I used to give tours in ‘Atameken’ Ethno-Material Complex two years ago, then I came as a volunteer to ‘Kemel El’ Culture and Education Center for Youth. It is a valuable knowledge and experience. Then I managed to attend a meeting with our President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

 Interactive classes of ‘Kemel El’ Center are held in the framework of the social project «Ideas that changed the world». Participants managed to come to the first run — 3 two-part documentaries about history and formation of Kazakhstan’s independence were demonstrated for the first time.
