The library's fund was immediately enlarged with 400 new books. The exposition consists of four sections: "History of Expo", "Astana Expo-2017", "Kazakhstan", and "Future Energy".
Among the literature - three volumes of the book "History of international exhibitions from London to Astana", published in Germany, as well as full information about the forthcoming exhibition. In addition to information about EXPO, foreign visitors will be able to get acquainted with the history and culture of Kazakhstan.
According to the organizers, the goal of the exhibition is to reveal the rich history of Independent Kazakhstan, to acquaint the readers and guests of the capital with the history of EXPO, to tell about its preparation and conduct.
"For foreign visitors of the library, they are planned for more than 5 million people, we have presented completely literature about Kazakhstan - this is the history of Kazakhstan, customs and traditions, national culture, national costumes, dishes, industry, and agriculture. The exhibition will work throughout the year. Information will be updated and added," said Dariga Daurenbekova, head of the Museum.
In addition, at the book exhibition "Astana EXPO-2017 - "Future Energy" in the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, they showed the guidebook "Calendar of remarkable and memorable dates of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017".
According to the head of the information bibliographic service Maria Zhakupova, the project was created within three months.
"The calendar has turned out in the form of an interesting and voluminous guidebook on Kazakhstan, where there are materials about the symbols of Kazakhstan, about the sights, cultural heritage of our country. A special place is given to the main event, the exhibition "Astana EXPO-2017", the history of the World exhibitions, the chronology of the main EXPO, the invention of the EXPO and the information "Astana Expo-2017 - "Future Energy", - M. Zhakupova said.
At the moment, the "Calendar" is presented in a single copy, according to the organizers, a large-scale replication and release is planned in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
"The calendar is aimed at forming patriotic feelings of love for the Motherland, pride in its rich, highly spiritual culture and historical past, pride in the creative opportunities of the Kazakh people, aimed at the prosperity of our common home - Kazakhstan," M. Zhakupova said.
A special place in this book is devoted to the forthcoming exhibition. Here, apart from various materials, the history of the World Exhibitions, the chronology of the main EXPO, the inventions, etc. are presented.
As noted in the library, in order to acquaint the foreign guests of EXPO with the history of Kazakh script and book, in 2014 the Museum of the Book was opened in the National Academic Library.
Today the library is working on the creation of the Center for Rare Books and Manuscripts, which will acquaint the visitors of the EXPO with the book monuments of high historical and scientific significance, containing information about the historical and cultural traditions of the Kazakh and other peoples of the world.
Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA