If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly


Everyone knows the tragic story of Professor Yermukhan Bekmakhanov, the victim of the Stalin regime. The life of his wife Khalima Adamovna, a scientist-linguist, is described in Kazakh literature

The scientists of the Institute of History of State, the director of the Institute Professor Ayagan Burkitbay and the leading researcher Yerimbetova Kundyzay Myrzashevna, visited Bekmakhanova Khalima Adamovna. This year she turned 92 years old.

Khalima Adamovna - favorite muse of Yermukhan Bekmakhanov, survived all the horror of the persecution of her husband, a talented scientist.

Khalima Adamovna is sprightly, she has a wonderful memory. Sometimes she jokes to the point and with interest asks where these or those scientists-historians? Talking about Yermukhan Bekmakhanovich, she repeated several times that the scientist was very fond of historical science. Also, he did not less appreciate the communication with his colleagues.

"Yermukhan was not vindictive, even when he returned from Stalin's camps he did not harbor evil at the persecutors. Time will still show "who is who" he said and was absolutely right," she says.

Yermukhan was very friendly with Ilyas Yessenberlin. They often met and talked for a long time. "The two of them walked there," she points out in the direction of the Opera and Ballet Theater, "and for hours they discussed various historical topics."

The eldest daughter of the famous scientist Nailya Yermukhanovna is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. She lives in Moscow, but often comes to Kazakhstan. The staff of the Institute of History is always glad to see Nailya Yermukhanovna and constantly invites her to scientific conferences.

Khalima Adamovna is very pleased that Kazakhstan has become an independent state. "What a happiness to be free!" she says.

Khalima Adamovna closely follows the political news. She studied the article of N.A. Nazarbayev "Looking into the future: modernization of public consciousness" and considers it very deep and timely.

The leading scientist of the Institute of History of State, Candidate of Historical Sciences Kundyzay Yerimbetova, presented her with her recently published book "Academician Anna Pankratova". Khalima Adamovna is very pleased with the publication of the book and thanked the scientists of the Institute of History of State for their work. "It's wonderful," she says, "that you, Kazakh historians, have not forgotten her. She did a lot for the Kazakh science and for Yermukhan."



Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA
