If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The international conference “Phenomenon of Mashkhur Zhusip – the person of Peace”

The international theoretical and practical conference “Phenomenon of Mashkhur Zhusip – the person of Peace”, devoted to 155 years of Mashkhur Zhusip Kopeyev

The international theoretical and practical conference “Phenomenon of Mashkhur Zhusip – the person of Peace”, devoted to 155 years of a great son of the Kazakh nation, our distinguished countryman, talented poet Mashkhur Zhusip Kopeyev took place in S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University on November, 21, 2013.

Deputy Head of Pavlodar region Nurzhan Ashimbetov; grandson of the poet, doctor of philological studies, professor of S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University Kuandyk Zhusip; great-grandson of the poet, the head of Kazakh philology department of S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, doctor of philological studies, professor Nartai Zhusip; Director of Republican informational center on historical materials study, doctor of historical studies, professor, corresponding member of the national Science Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Meruert Abuseitova (Almaty); senior research scientist of the Institute of oriental studies named after R. Suleymenov, doctor of philological studies, professor Nagima Sagandykova (Almaty) participated in the plenary session of the conference.

Opening the plenary session, the chancellor of S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, doctor of economic studies, Professor Serik Omirbaev particularly emphasized in his opening address: “Mashkhur Zhusip Kopeyev takes an eminent place in cohort of prominent figures of our nation. Currently, his oeuvre especially contributes to cultural and public life of Kazakhstan. His peculiar personality and also acuteness of social and philosophical issues, raised in his works, require deeper study of his life and works, and here – attraction of students, postgraduates, and doctoral candidates to the research of his cultural and historic legacy”.

There was a presentation of books series about life and activity of Mashkhur Zhusip. Besides, selected works of M. Zh. Kopeyev, first translated into Russian, as well as new archival materials on the history of Kazakhstan from foreign funds, revealed in the course of state program “People in the flow of history” were presented.

Also, the following scientific researchers reported at the conference: doctor, professor of Ankara University Abdulkhak Malkozh (Ankara, Turkey), the President of Association of Sociologists of the countries with Turkic languages, doctor, Professor of Istanbul University Hayati Tyufekchioglu (Istanbul, Turkey), vice-chancellor of Islamic culture University “Nur-Mubarak”, doctor of philosophical studies, professor Shamshidin Kerim, director of theoretical and practical center “Mashkhurovedenie” of S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, doctor of philosophical studies, professor Aitmukhambet Trushev, director of scientific and educational center “Lingua”, doctor of philological studies, Professor of Tyumen State Oil and Gas university Habiba Shagbanova (Tyumen), doctor of philological studies, Professor of Uzbek International languages State University Makhanbet Dzhusupov (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), doctor of philosophical studies, Professor of Yugra State University Ravil Vafeev (Russian Federation), adviser of  chancellor of S. Demirel Kazakh-Turkish University, doctor of philosophical studies, professor Danday Yskakuly (Almaty).

Within the frameworks of the conference there was a display of documentary about Mashkhur Zhusip “Wisdom, returned to the people”, issued by Pavlodar State University, as well as the awarding of students of the University – participants of competition of feature films, devote to life of M.Zh. Kopeyev.

Also, there was another important event – awarding of prominent researchers and public figures with the Mashkhur Zhusip golden medal for contribution to study and popularization of his cultural legacy.

The same day solemn opening of office-museum named after Mashkhur Zhusip was carried out in one of the lecture rooms of S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University. Exhibition of books on spiritual and historical legacy of M. Zh. Kopeyev from funds of rare issues of University Scientific library named after S. Beisembaev was presented in foyer of concert hall.
