If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The Kazakh masters of painting presented their works at a unique exhibition.

The organizers wanted to show the place of the bata as well as the cultural and historical traditions of the life of modern Kazakhs, who live in different parts of the multiethnic country.

Through this exhibition, the organizers wanted to show the place of the bata as well as the cultural and historical traditions of the life of modern Kazakhs, who live in different parts of the multiethnic country.

The exhibition “Bata – without losing the origins” is opened in the Gallery of Modern Art of Tauelsizdik Sarayu, and presents the works of artists from Kazakhstan, neighboring countries and abroad. The main keynote of the exhibition, which unites all the artists, became a centuries-old cultural tradition of Kazakhs – Bata. Reported to astana.kz the press service of the Tauelsizdik Sarayu.

The exhibition is being held in support of the fine arts in Kazakhstan, as well as the gradual integration of the Kazakh figural art into the universal art.

The project «Bata – without losing the origins» is a transition to direct emotional dialogue between the artist and the viewer. For the viewer, the personal feelings and the life philosophy of the artist should become the basis of this dialogue. This is the story of each artist about his life philosophy, about his people and of those immutable moral and cultural values ​​that cannot be forgotten. Bata is the link between the past, present and future of the Kazakh people "- said the organizers.

Through this exhibition, the organizers wanted to show the place of the bata as well as the cultural and historical traditions of the life of modern Kazakhs, who live in different parts of the multiethnic country.

Some well-known artists as well as the young artists have participated in the project. The exhibition presents the works of masters from all regions of Kazakhstan, and also the masters of the Kazakh, Russian and European schools of painting.

The artists have used the various pictorial techniques: pointillism, grattage, watercolors, oil and mixed techniques.

Exhibition "Bata - without losing origins" will be opened until December, 25.
