If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

An invaluable contribution of the assistant of the great poet into the Abai Studies

All the original works of Abay reached us through three of his manuscripts, made ​​in 1905, 1907, and 1910.

Bikeuly Murseit, the first collector of Abai's works and his literary secretary, was born 54 years ago (1860-1917).

He graduated from Semipalatinsk 4-year Russian school.

The manuscripts of M. Bikeuly reached the Petersburg, where they were first published by the Crimean Tatar educator Abdurefi Bodaninsky.

The first teacher of young nephew of A. Kunanbaev Shakarim Kudayberdyev. He taught him the Russian language at the insistence of Abai.

For some time he worked as a clerk and interpreter in the office of the Semipalatinsk district. Before he became the secretary of Abai, he opened the school and was engaged in training of rural children. In addition to being involved in publishing of his first collection of poems of the great poet (1909), all the original works of Abay reached us through three of his manuscripts, made ​​in 1905, 1907, and 1910. Today, these documents are stored together with other valuable manuscripts in the collection of the Kazakh National Academy of Science.An invaluable contribution of the assistant of the great poet into the Abai Studies was noted by M. Auezov.
