If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Cultural Walk: Republican museum of Sport and Olympic glory

Cultural Walk: Republican museum of Sport and Olympic glory  - e-history.kz
Perhaps, there are no people in whom the subject of sport would not cause interest. At least to recall the Olympic Games in South Korea or the last weightlifting World Cup in the city of Almaty.

There were no indifferent Kazakhstan citizens who did not spent their times watching TV and worrying about the results of favorite athletes. In sport competitions someone wins and someone loses. Laws of competitions are cruel. The one who did his best is the winner. Winners have tradition to “bite” gold medal that they won, “like tasting it”. It is indisputable tradition. 

As competitions come to an end, passions of a victory and defeat cease. Athletes with their won trophies less often appear on TV. It is interesting, have you ever considered where the majority of the won medals of Kazakhstan athletes have been kept? All past sport fights, athletics, boxing and gymnastics, weightlifting and skiing, medals, cups and even the form of our champions are kept in exclusive in Kazakhstan Museum of Sport and Olympic glory. Now in this Museum there are more than six hundred exhibits: medals, cups, pennants, icons, photos and flags, the Olympic torches and also sportswear in which our athletes participated in the World Cups and the Olympic Games.

For those who interested, the museum is located in the city of Almaty on Saken Seyfullin Street, 551. On weekdays it opens from 10.00 am till 05.00 pm. On Saturday it is open from 10.00 am till 02.00 pm, and day off - Sunday. Cost of tickets for adults 70 tenge, for students 50 tenge and for children 30 tenge. It is quite interesting that the museum is located in the building, which was the monument of architecture of the nineteenth century. 


In the yard of the museum there is a sculpture of the asyk (ankle bone of sheep or goat) standing on alchin (advantageous position in the game). The bones are collected and used for traditional games throughout Central Asia. The name of this “ankle bone shooting” game is called “asyk” in Kazakh language. Before any competitions, whether it is campaign on the enemy, building the city and mosques, all participants received blessing from elders in the following words: "May your asyk be always on alchin" or another words "Wish you a good luck". And the same words are partings words for athletes. The same words are a parting word for athletes. The sculpture has more than 4 meters on the front and 2.5 meters in height, is executed from the modern materials and has ideal likeness to the original.


Asyk fallen out of alchin in the museum yard


At the entrance of the museum there are portraits of Baluan Sholak, Kazhymukan, Zhaksyluk Ushkempirov and Daulte Turlykhanov


The world map with marked cities and countries of Kazakhstan where Kazakhstan athletes had their competitions

Museum has three halls: "Independent Kazakhstan", "Champions of the world, Europe and Asia" and "Healthy lifestyle". 


Hall "Independent Kazakhstan" 


Cups of winners of competitions in a kickboxing in 1997 in Romania “Champions of the world, Europe and Asia” 


Hall "Champions of the world, Europe and Asia”


The board of honors for coaches, whose students became Olympic champions and world champions 


Photos of "Uncrowned Champions". Sport for these masters was their entire life. They have achieved outstanding results, but unfortunately did not win any Olympic medal


Order of the Asian Taekwondo Federation, which was given to the President of the Academy of Tourism and Sports K. Zakiryanov for his contribution to the development of taekwondo in Kazakhstan



Medals of the double champion of Europe A. Asanov in shooting sport


Exhibits of the room of national sport


Textbooks on training of “The Kazakh fight”, which actively has been developing not only in Kazakhstan

Author of the photos

