If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

History of inauguration of the President of Kazakhstan

History of inauguration of the President of Kazakhstan - e-history.kz
On the eve of the inauguration of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will be held on April 29, we would like you to remember the history of the inauguration ceremonies.

The word inauguration comes from Latin "inauguro" — "devote". Such ritual came to us from coronation ceremony of monarchs. However, in modern monarchies the process of coronation is less formal inauguration (exception is UK).

In Kazakhstan inauguration of the President is the official ceremony to mark beginning of the President of Kazakhstan’s term of office.

During this ceremony the Head of state puts the right hand on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and takes the oath to the country people. According to the legislation, the President of Kazakhstan enters a position from the moment of bringing to the people of the following oath: "Solemnly I swear truly to serve the people of Kazakhstan, strictly to follow the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to guarantee the rights and freedoms of citizens, honestly to carry out the high duties of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan assigned to me". The text of the oath is said by the president of the republic in a state language. After that the chairman of Central Election Commission hands to the Head of state the certificate of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The president’s position in Kazakh SSR appeared on April 24, 1990, when the Supreme Council of Kazakh SSR adopted the Law "About Establishment of the Post of the President Kazakh SSR also modification and additions in the Constitution Kazakh SSR". In the same day, the Supreme Council elected the President Nursultan Nazarbayav who at the time of election already was the First secretary of the Central Committee of Communist party of Kazakh SSR since June 22, 1989.

The first inauguration of Nursultan Nazarbayev took place on December 10, 1991 in the Palace of the Republic in the city of Almaty. At that time the Head of state won the first elections, receiving 98,7% of votes.


The second ceremony of inauguration took place in the Congress Hall of Astana on January 21, 1999, after elections on January 10, 1999 during which Nursultan Nazarbayev received about 80% of votes.


The third inauguration took place in the Palace Akorda on January 11, 2006. According to the results of presidential elections on December 4, 2005 the President of Kazakhstan collected 91,15% of votes.


The fourth inauguration took place on April 8, 2011 in the Palace of Independence. At presidential elections on April 3, 2011 Nursultan Nazarbayev collected 95, 55% of votes.


This year’s inauguration of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who won the early presidential elections, were on April 29.
