If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

History of the Day of unity of people of Kazakhstan

History of the Day of unity of people of Kazakhstan - e-history.kz
The holiday – Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan will be soon on May 1st. In our country it is one of the kindest and light holidays.

It is a festival of friendship, understanding and harmony which are so necessary for peaceful life in the country which has more than 150 nations and nationalities.

Where this tradition to celebrate the first day of the last month of spring came from? Based on history, it is clear that this day was not invented by Bolsheviks and moreover not even by striking workers from American city of Chicago. This holiday has ancient roots.

Three thousand years ago residents of Ancient Italy worshipped to the goddess Maya — the patroness of the earth and fertility. In honor of it spring designated the last month May, and on its first day celebrations were organized.

The history of May 1st, as the Day of solidarity of workers begins since July 1889. Then on May 1, 1886 workers of Chicago called a strike against 15-hour working day and demanded from owners of factories of transition to the 8-hours working day.


Demonstrations proceeded 4 days. As a result hundreds were arrested, six workers were killed and condemned was killed and 50 people were wounded. But it did not stop workers. In July, 1889 1st Congress of 2nd International in Paris passed the decision to consider May 1st as Day of the international fight for the 8-hour working day and Day of the international solidarity of proletarians of all countries.

In the Russian Empire this holiday was for the first time celebrated in 1890 in Warsaw by carrying out May Day strike of workers. The next year in St. Petersburg the first "mayovka" took place. Since 1897 mayovkas began to have political character and to be followed by mass demonstrations. In 1917 on May 1st for the first time celebrated openly. In all cities of the country millions of workers took to the streets with slogans of Communist party "All power to Councils", "Down with ministers-capitalists".


In the Soviet Union the Day of the international solidarity of workers was a public holiday, it was celebrated by grandiose demonstrations, and on May 1 and 2 were days off.


Now in Russia it is deprived of any political character and is Day of Spring and Work. The last time official celebration of the May Day as Day of solidarity of workers, took place in 1990. And now this holiday became a private affair of everyone.

In Independent Kazakhstan the holiday started being celebrated in 1996. On October 18, 1995 the president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the decree on the announcement on May 1 in the Afternoon of unity of the people of Kazakhstan, having cancelled thereby celebration of the Labor Day.


In this day festive events for unity of all people living in the Republic are held, as Kazakhstan — the multinational state. More than 150 nationalities and nationalities live in the country.

How people celebrate this day? People sing various songs, dance and play different gams. Those who were on celebration of this Day know the scale and pleasure of this holiday. Participation of various cultural centers in the holiday in order to acquaint people of Kazakhstan with tradition of other people has a huge value.

Not only cultural centers, but also labor collectives, students and representatives of various public associations participate in this holiday.

Perhaps, the brightest point of the holiday is the ethno-cultural exhibition. In front of the Central park of Astana the national dwellings of representatives of all nations and nationalizes living in Kazakhstan are established. These are peculiar mini-museums where it is possible to see piece of clothing, traditional utensils, jewelry of different nationalities, but the most important there is a chance to try dishes of different ethnic cuisine.

Besides, in this day the museums and libraries of Kazakhstan organize the exhibitions devoted to the holiday and the people living in Kazakhstan. This holiday not simply acquaints the people of Kazakhstan with traditions and culture of other nationalities living in the territory of the country, but it is urged to consolidate the nation in a whole.



