If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The story of one photo. Petr Samygin

The story of one photo. Petr Samygin - e-history.kz

June  06, 2015

How often we regret about our deeds? Very often. Less often we think about what we could not do, what did not do in time or simply did not want. However, understanding of missed moments sometimes heavily lies at heart...

I was little baby when my great-grandmother Elena Samygina told about war and difficult work in rear. Today, I remember only few moments from her stories... I remember that she told how people nonstop worked in the field, suffered of hunger, but shared last piece of bread with those who needed more. She spoke about her husband Petr who went to the front voluntarily.


To find out any information about my great-grandfather was no so easy. His wife and children unfortunately died already. Fortunately there is one person, his younger sister Nyura, who could tell me about him.

My great-grandfather Petr Samygin was born On November 25, 1924 in the village Presnovka of Sokolovsky district of North Kazakhstan region. His parents had three children Petr, Evdokia and Anna.


When the war began Petr was only sixteen years old. Adding two years to his age he voluntarily joined to the Red Army in December, 1941. As the commander of department anti-tank guns he fought as a part of 299th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division and 24th Army Stalingrad Front. September 5, 1942 in the battle near Beketovka my great-grandfather was seriously injured by an explosive bullet. He like other soldier was brought to Stalingrad and thrown into battle unarmed. "How we will fight without guns?"—asked soldiers. Answer was simple: "Guns you will find in the fight". Only thing that military commanders could provide them was alcohol.

The whole year my great-grandfather was in the hospital in Nizhny Novgorod.
Injured left leg did not get better, gangrene began. To save his life doctors firstly amputated his foot, then till a knee and finally above the knee. After hospital he was found unfit to military service and he returned back home.



By the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR of November 6, 1947 for the courage and bravery shown in fights with German aggressors, sergeant Samygin was awarded with the order Patriotic war of the 2nd degree. Upon return from the front Petr worked as the accountant in collective farm Council Proletarian. Soon he met my great-grandmother, Elena Nuzhnyh. They had three children Vladimir, Victor and Lyudmila.


Olginka village, 1958

Until the end of the life my great-grandfather honestly worked as the accountant of collective farm, then worked the chief accountant of bulk base, creamery. For his work he even was awarded by the car. He died on May 23, 1974.



On the eve of the Day of Victory each of us try to spent more attention to veterans, remember and commemorate of those who are not with us. Nobody should not be forgotten. For this all of us, despite of anything, always have to find time to listen to seniors, to learn about their life and those terrible years. Thus we will have the answers to questions of our children about war.

Inna Kuzmenko