Republic day: what is the significance of the historical date?
30.10.2024 1210

Recently, Republic Day was celebrated in the country. All people are celebrating this national holiday this year. But there is still little information about its importance and history. This still required extensive research. In this regard, we learned about the holiday from Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Ualikhanov, Sayyn Moldagaliuly Borbasov and scientist Sultan Khan Akkululy.

- This day is a holiday that was almost forgotten and revived. After the December uprising, the authorities ignored this day and distorted the law. In fact, Kazakhstan's independence begins with the Declaration of Independence on October 25, 1990. The declaration consists of 14 points and is a very important document. It contains relevant issues of the Kazakh people, such as creating a democratic state, achieving independence, and developing language and culture. The declaration shows the best democratic practices in the world and ways to establish a legal society. We are a part of the global community. It is impossible to create "New Kazakhstan" without implementing the ideas mentioned in the declaration, says political scientist S. Borbasov.

After that, the expert says that the Declaration of Independence is the basis of our independence, and about the role of this historical document in the history of the country:

- Declaration independence on the way significance big That's why this is day main our holiday to be must His significance to the people explain need of the declaration content promotion in schools and society widely discussion is us for important . in Almaty with the theme "Republic Day ". information distribution attention pleases . Previously to December 16 priority if given , now of sovereignty and independence value to feel it is necessary , - he says he is

However, there are those who argue against this opinion. One of them is scientist Sultan Khan Akkuly. According to him, if this day was a declaration on the restoration of the sovereignty of the Kazakh Republic during the time of Alash, it would have great historical and political significance.

- In fact, the declaration on the sovereignty of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic has two aspects.   The first is the political aspect, the second is the historical aspect.   As for the political side, in October 1990, the countries of the 15 union republics of the Soviet Union, including some autonomous regions and republics such as the Crimean Peninsula, were accepting declarations and documents about their sovereignty.   At that time, the media was much freer.   Because it was a period of reconstruction.   This phenomenon was ridiculed by the mass media of that time as "independence march".   This is because the declaration of independence adopted by Kazakhstan has a name and no substance.   Let me explain why.   All the allied republics covered by "independence" actually officially declared their independence, but remained a component, a subject of the Soviet Union.   They had no sovereignty or freedom.   In other words, the declaration adopted on October 25 had no political significance.  If it was a declaration, for example, from a historical point of view, if it was a declaration on the restoration of the sovereignty of the Kazakh Republic during the Alash period, it would have great historical and political significance, says historian Sultan Khan Akkululy. 

At the same time, he alludes to the fact that if we look at the history, some shameful things have happened.

 - Let me remind you that it was part of the Soviet government. In October, the Soviet union was still in place.  On March 5, 1920, when we adopted the declaration on the restoration of our lost sovereignty, the declaration would be of great historical and political significance.  For example, in 1989-1990, the states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia on the coast of the Baltic Sea adopted a declaration on the restoration of their sovereignty, which they lost after the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1940.  In other words, those Baltic Sea coast states regained their sovereignty and separated from the Soviet Union.  Thus, it became an independent country. Although the Kazakh Republic declared its independence, it had no official historical or political significance.  I repeat, it remained a component, a subject of the Soviet Union until December 16, 1991.  Therefore, is it important to restore this holiday after 7-8 years?  This declaration has no name and no substance.  Two years ago, it was restored and approved as a state holiday.  Not a single citizen with open eyes knows the significance of this holiday.  By 1991, only 12 allied republics remained in the Soviet Union. 3 states on the Baltic coast were separated.  Kazakhstan was the last to declare its independence.  The reason for this is that the authorities of Kazakhstan, headed by President N. Nazarbayev at that time, did not accept the national independence of Kazakhstan as a longed-for dream of its people.  After M. Gorbachev, the first and last president of the Soviet Union at that time, offered him the position of Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, Nazarbayev tried to make all efforts to save that Soviet Union, he says.

Thus, historian Sultan Khan Akkululy says that the historical significance of this day has not been felt much, while historian Sayin Borbasov says that it is necessary to have an ideological segment on Republic Day.

 - It is not necessary to celebrate the holiday. There should be an ideological segment. It is necessary to organize reports and discussions about historical events in the media.  It is very appropriate if the significance of the declaration is mentioned during curatorial hours in schools and educational institutions.  National personalities, the founders of the independence of Kazakhstan should be remembered during the holiday.  Changes must be made.  If the election is not fair and timely, the society will not change.  "Snap elections" will have a negative impact on our society.  Non-violation of the law, fair elections are the basis of democracy.  The quality of the candidates participating in the elections is also important.  It is better to have qualified people, he said.

Taiyr Qasymuly